Improve Your Zoom Experience
Better Streaming...Clearer Audio...Improved Video
raised towards $5,000 goal
Days Left
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Better Streaming...Clearer Audio...Improved Video
Improve Your Zoom Experience
5.15.23 UPDATE!!!
As part of our Improve Your Zoom Experience campaign, we have recently added dedicated campaign checks and cash.
Drum roll...Our total fundraising amount has now reached $2,477.00, thank you for your continued support!
The Alan E. Feen Charitable Trust through our member Laurence Newman, will match donations of up to $3,000 to enhance our video equipment. Your contribution will be matched, doubling the impact of your generosity. With your help, we can purchase a Mac Mini, Laptop, Microphones and Controlling Computer, which will result in better streaming, clearer audio and improved video quality. To make a donation, please visit or call us at 941-893-4388. Thank you for your continued support!